Verbal Intelligence (Coded)

Verbal intelligence test (Part-1 of “Coding & Decoding series”)

ISSB verbal intelligence test:

  • At ISSB Intelligence Tests carry a lot of importance. At selection centre the Intelligence Tests will be on computer and at ISSB Intelligence Tests will be on paper. For Verbal ISSB Intelligence Test you will solve 105 mix verbal (no pictures) in 30 minutes. In Non Verbal Intelligence Test (pictures) 70 questions in 30 minutes. In ISSB Mechanical Aptitude Test 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • An Intelligence Test is a collection of problems, arranged in increasing difficulty and which are required to be solved with in specified limits. The governing principle of an intelligence tests is that a more intelligent person will be able to solve more problems quickly and correctly than a less intelligent individual. The problems may may be put in the from of letters, words, patterns;pictures or any other material suitable for the purpose, in order to find out whether the candidate can perceive and appreciate the relationship between different things, within the given time.

Attempt below test to boost your brain:

Q: 01) If RANGER is coded as REGNAR, then TABLE will be coded as:

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 02) If FELLOW is coded as 465531, then ELLOW will be coded as:

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 03) If STEP is coded as 3165, then PETS will be coded as:

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 04) If FEP is coded as TEF, then TAR will be coded as:

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 05) If FIGHT is coded as 74352, then FIT will be coded as:

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 06) If 35261 is coded as TEARS, then 153 will be coded as:

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 07) If DOZEN is coded as 35712, then DEN will be coded as:

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 08) If GUIDE is coded as 35214, then DUG will be coded as:

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 09) If 2334576 is coded as EFFORTS, then 3457 will be coded as:

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 10) If IDEA is coded as 9451, then DEAD will be coded as:

Correct! Wrong!

Verbal intelligence test (Part-1 of "Code & Decode series")
Your Result: Total Questions: 10 Total Marks: 10

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Verbal Intelligence (Coded)

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