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- There are two major categories of ISSB GTO Tasks which are indoor and outdoor. These are then further divided into different tasks which are as follows:
- NOTE: The main purpose of ISSB GTO Tasks is to analyze the abilities of team work and coordination. Apart from this your ability to take pressure, team harmony, spirit, decision making and leadership skills are also focused. Candidate having all these abilities have a brighter chance of selection.
GTO indoor tasks in issb
- All the activities are simple, Just remember a few things Dont try to be over smart, Stay serious, Take charge of your teem…
- Participate in all activities make your observer realise that you are a leader and always remember ( You Command Respect not demand respect)
- GTO –Group testing Officer..(remember he alone can take stand for your RECCOMMEDATION), so give your best short….
GTO indoor tasks in issb
- Group Discussion
- Lecturat/ Speech
- Group Planning
GTO outdoor tasks in issb
- Progressive Group Task
- Half/Semi Group Task
- Command Task
- Final Group Task
- Individual obstacle
- Mutual Assessment Test