Verbal intelligence (relation recognition)

Verbal intelligence test (“relation recognition series”)

ISSB verbal intelligence test:

  • At ISSB Intelligence Tests carry a lot of importance. At selection centre the Intelligence Tests will be on computer and at ISSB Intelligence Tests will be on paper. For Verbal ISSB Intelligence Test you will solve 105 mix verbal (no pictures) in 30 minutes. In Non Verbal Intelligence Test (pictures) 70 questions in 30 minutes. In ISSB Mechanical Aptitude Test 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • An Intelligence Test is a collection of problems, arranged in increasing difficulty and which are required to be solved with in specified limits. The governing principle of an intelligence tests is that a more intelligent person will be able to solve more problems quickly and correctly than a less intelligent individual. The problems may may be put in the from of letters, words, patterns;pictures or any other material suitable for the purpose, in order to find out whether the candidate can perceive and appreciate the relationship between different things, within the given time.

Attempt below test to boost your brain:

Q: 01) Ali and Nasir are brothers. Ozair and Azvar are their sons. What is relation between Nozain and azvar?

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 02) A is son of B, but B is not A’s father. What is relation B to A?

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 03) B’s son is the cousin of A’s son. If A has no sister, what is B to A?

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 04) Abdullah’s mother is sister of Ajmal’s brother. Establish relation between Abdullah and Ajmal?

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 05) X is father of Y and Z. Y and Z are not brothers. What is relationship of Y and Z?

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 06) Akmal and Ajmal are brothers. Anjum and Ajmal are their sons. What is relationship between Anjum and Ajmal?

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 07) A and B are parents of C, but C is not the daughter of A. establish relationship between C and A?

Correct! Wrong!

Q: 08) If Ali is brother of the son of Salman’s son, what relation is Ali to Salman

Correct! Wrong!

Verbal intelligence test (Part-2 of "relation recognition series")

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