General Knowledge MCQs

General Knowledge MCQs (Part-04)


  1. Which type of coal is difficult to light in the open air?
  2. Leukaemia or blood cancer is characterised by abnormal increase of which cells?
  3. Howmany subjects are in the Union list?
  4. Which instrument instrument used for recording earthquake waves?
  5. Which Mughalemperor gave land for the construction of the Golden Temple at Amritsar?
  6. What does Oxidation involve?
  7. Among South Asian countries which one is the Maternal Mortality Ratio (per 1,000 live births) lowest?
  8. What is meant by ‘Underwriting’, the term frequently used in financial sector?
  9. ‘Caldera’ is a feature associated with which thing?
  10. Under the leadership of which Guru did the Sikh become a political and military force?
  11. Which Part of plant is important for the life cycle of plant?
  12. By which committee were Mandai Panchayats recommended?
  13. What will be If a pendulum clock be taken from the earth to a revolving artificial satellite?
  14. Which city is associated with the river Mekong?
  15. Which decisive battle was fought during the Third Carnatic War between the English and the French?
  16. Coolgardie lies in the Australian province of which direction?
  17. Gum Gopi Krishna was a maestro of which dance form?
  18. Which is an insectivorous plant?
  19. A shipmet with an accident at 30°E and 35°N. Where was the ship was sailing?
  20. Which gave an impetus to the growth of militant nationalism on a widespread scale?

General Knowledge MCQs

  1. Why was the Panchayati Raj System adopted?
  2. In colourful diamond, Why are different colours present?
  3. From the view of International economy, What does third World imply?
  4. Which is a land-locked country?
  5. The ruler of which State was removed from power by the British on the pretext of misgovernance ?
  6. With which field was Satyajit Ray associated?
  7. Which plant is referred to as a living fossil?
  8. How long did the Constituent Assembly take to finally pass the Constitution?
  9. What is the country through which both Equator and Tropic of Capricorn pass?
  10. From where did the Quit India Movement start?
  11. Which physical quantities have the same dimensions?
  12. In which year did UN establish the UN Conference on Trade and Development?
  13. Which Committee was formed to suggest means for eradicating black money?
  14. The Karakoram Highway connects which pairs of countries?
  15. Which Indian revolutionary helped Subhash Chandra Bose in raising ‘Indian National Army’ ?
  16. Which crop would be preferred for sowing in order to enrich the soil with nitrogen?
  17. Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly?
  18. What is the number of unpaired electrons in carbon atom?
  19. Which latitude passes through India?
  20. Who propounded that ‘destiny determines everything, man is powerless?

General Knowledge MCQs

  1. Which is UN Programme and not special agency?
  2. Who is the author of the famous novel ‘Gone with the Wind’?
  3. Which mammal rolls itself into ball at the time of danger?
  4. Which State has the largest forest area. ?
  5. Sufi Kalam, a type of devotional music, is the characteristic of which state?
  6. Which Directive Principle of State Policy has NOT been implemented so far?
  7. When some detergent is added to water, what will be the surface tension?
  8. What is the situation with increasing unemployment and inflation termed?
  9. Port Blair – the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, is located in which island?
  10. What was the original name of Tansen, the most famous musician at the court of Akbar?
  11. Which Sanskrit poet called as the Indian Shakespeare?
  12. How many chamber are found in the heart of frog?
  13. Which amendments accorded precedence to Directive Principle over Fundamental Rights?
  14. Which is the biggest lake in India?
  15. Which Indian ruler established embassies in foreign countries. on modern lines?
  16. In an atom the order of filling up of the orbitals is governed by which principle?
  17. Which decade is celebrated as United Nations Decade for Women?
  18. Which agency has the power to declare any industrial unit as a potentially sick unit?
  19. Which are the west-flowing rivers of southern Indian which flow into Arabian Sea?
  20. When was the Indus Valley Civilization flourished?

General Knowledge MCQs

  1. Sex determination of child is done by whose chromosome?
  2. Who is authorised to decide over a dispute regarding disqualification of a member of Parliament?
  3. Who firstly demonstrated experimentally the existence of electromagnetic wave?
  4. Which is not essentially a species of the Himalayan vegetation?
  5. What are the main channels of our knowledge about the Indus Valley Civilization?
  6. When is International Human Solidarity Day observed?
  7. The United Nations declared 2001 as which International Year?
  8. What is the effect of overseretion of harmone from pituitary gland?
  9. Which type of forest covers the maximum area in India?
  10. What was the rate of land revenue as ‘given in the dharma shastras ?
  11. The Lok Sabha is called in session for at least how many times in a year’?
  12. Heating pyrites in air to remove sulphur is known as which name?
  13. If the cash-reserve ratio is lowered by the Central bank, what will be its effect on credit creation?
  14. The Matatila multipurpose project is located in which state?
  15. What did the name ‘Ratnakara’ denoted In ancient Indian historical geography?
  16. ‘Queen’s berry Rules’ is the name. give to the rules in which game?
  17. By whom the concept of survival of the fittest as advanced?
  18. When can the salaries of High Court judges be reduced?
  19. Which shipyard is known for the manufacture of bargets, coasters and dredgers?
  20. In which country was Buddhism first propogated outside India?

General Knowledge MCQs

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General Knowledge MCQs