General Knowledge MCQs (Part-04)
- Which type of coal is difficult to light in the open air?
- Leukaemia or blood cancer is characterised by abnormal increase of which cells?
- Howmany subjects are in the Union list?
- Which instrument instrument used for recording earthquake waves?
- Which Mughalemperor gave land for the construction of the Golden Temple at Amritsar?
- What does Oxidation involve?
- Among South Asian countries which one is the Maternal Mortality Ratio (per 1,000 live births) lowest?
- What is meant by ‘Underwriting’, the term frequently used in financial sector?
- ‘Caldera’ is a feature associated with which thing?
- Under the leadership of which Guru did the Sikh become a political and military force?
- Which Part of plant is important for the life cycle of plant?
- By which committee were Mandai Panchayats recommended?
- What will be If a pendulum clock be taken from the earth to a revolving artificial satellite?
- Which city is associated with the river Mekong?
- Which decisive battle was fought during the Third Carnatic War between the English and the French?
- Coolgardie lies in the Australian province of which direction?
- Gum Gopi Krishna was a maestro of which dance form?
- Which is an insectivorous plant?
- A shipmet with an accident at 30°E and 35°N. Where was the ship was sailing?
- Which gave an impetus to the growth of militant nationalism on a widespread scale?
- Why was the Panchayati Raj System adopted?
- In colourful diamond, Why are different colours present?
- From the view of International economy, What does third World imply?
- Which is a land-locked country?
- The ruler of which State was removed from power by the British on the pretext of misgovernance ?
- With which field was Satyajit Ray associated?
- Which plant is referred to as a living fossil?
- How long did the Constituent Assembly take to finally pass the Constitution?
- What is the country through which both Equator and Tropic of Capricorn pass?
- From where did the Quit India Movement start?
- Which physical quantities have the same dimensions?
- In which year did UN establish the UN Conference on Trade and Development?
- Which Committee was formed to suggest means for eradicating black money?
- The Karakoram Highway connects which pairs of countries?
- Which Indian revolutionary helped Subhash Chandra Bose in raising ‘Indian National Army’ ?
- Which crop would be preferred for sowing in order to enrich the soil with nitrogen?
- Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly?
- What is the number of unpaired electrons in carbon atom?
- Which latitude passes through India?
- Who propounded that ‘destiny determines everything, man is powerless?
- Which is UN Programme and not special agency?
- Who is the author of the famous novel ‘Gone with the Wind’?
- Which mammal rolls itself into ball at the time of danger?
- Which State has the largest forest area. ?
- Sufi Kalam, a type of devotional music, is the characteristic of which state?
- Which Directive Principle of State Policy has NOT been implemented so far?
- When some detergent is added to water, what will be the surface tension?
- What is the situation with increasing unemployment and inflation termed?
- Port Blair – the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, is located in which island?
- What was the original name of Tansen, the most famous musician at the court of Akbar?
- Which Sanskrit poet called as the Indian Shakespeare?
- How many chamber are found in the heart of frog?
- Which amendments accorded precedence to Directive Principle over Fundamental Rights?
- Which is the biggest lake in India?
- Which Indian ruler established embassies in foreign countries. on modern lines?
- In an atom the order of filling up of the orbitals is governed by which principle?
- Which decade is celebrated as United Nations Decade for Women?
- Which agency has the power to declare any industrial unit as a potentially sick unit?
- Which are the west-flowing rivers of southern Indian which flow into Arabian Sea?
- When was the Indus Valley Civilization flourished?
- Sex determination of child is done by whose chromosome?
- Who is authorised to decide over a dispute regarding disqualification of a member of Parliament?
- Who firstly demonstrated experimentally the existence of electromagnetic wave?
- Which is not essentially a species of the Himalayan vegetation?
- What are the main channels of our knowledge about the Indus Valley Civilization?
- When is International Human Solidarity Day observed?
- The United Nations declared 2001 as which International Year?
- What is the effect of overseretion of harmone from pituitary gland?
- Which type of forest covers the maximum area in India?
- What was the rate of land revenue as ‘given in the dharma shastras ?
- The Lok Sabha is called in session for at least how many times in a year’?
- Heating pyrites in air to remove sulphur is known as which name?
- If the cash-reserve ratio is lowered by the Central bank, what will be its effect on credit creation?
- The Matatila multipurpose project is located in which state?
- What did the name ‘Ratnakara’ denoted In ancient Indian historical geography?
- ‘Queen’s berry Rules’ is the name. give to the rules in which game?
- By whom the concept of survival of the fittest as advanced?
- When can the salaries of High Court judges be reduced?
- Which shipyard is known for the manufacture of bargets, coasters and dredgers?
- In which country was Buddhism first propogated outside India?
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