- This is also an easy obstacle
- It is just like a swing
- There will be slide of 3 feet height you will climb to this slide by a drum or a small ladder
- Then the helper will give you the rope
- You will grip the rope and will jump thus you will swing to the other side
- At that side you will land on the other slide of same height of 3 feet
- From that slide you will jump to the ground and thus the obstacle is done
- By doing this rightly you will get 5 numbers
- Note that the ground between these two slides is Out of Bound.
- If you fell down from the slide toward the Out of Bound area the obstacle will not consider to be complete

- It is the one most difficult obstacle
- It is a rope fasten with a football pole
- Its height is 9 feet
- You will climb to the pole with the help of the rope and the will go over the pole and will again come down with the rope
- If you come down with the same side in which you first climb you have not do it correct and will get no marks
- If you do it correct you will get 11 numbers
- Note that the Rope Climbing has maximum marks in all obstacles

- It is a simple jump as in the initial physical test
- It is a simple ditch which length and width is 7 feet and depth is 4 feet
- At the one side of the ditch there will be foam so that any candidate not become injured
- If you do it correct you will get 7 numbers

- It is also a simple jump
- In this you have to jump over a slide of 3 feet height
- If you touch it the obstacle will not consider to be done it means you have to cross the slide by jumping over it without touching
- You can jump from the any side either from back or from front
- This obstacle has 4 numbers

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Are these all obstacles also same for female candidates or not???
For female candidate, obstacles are not same as for boys candidates. there are some difference where GTO give Flexibility to female candidates
Is high jump of 3ft?? I heard it is almost 4ft!