multiple inheritance in java

What is multiple inheritance in java

1. What is multiple inheritance in java
2. Why is multiple inheritance not supported in java

What is multiple inheritance in java

In Java, multiple inheritance typically refers to a scenario where a class inherits from more than one class. However, Java supports multiple inheritance only through interfaces, not through classes. This means that a class can implement multiple interfaces, each of which can declare a set of methods. In this way, a class can inherit method signatures from multiple sources.

Java does not support multiple inheritance for classes, meaning a class cannot directly extend more than one class. However, multiple inheritance can be achieved through interfaces. Here’s an example demonstrating multiple inheritance through interfaces:

multiple inheritance in java
// Interface with a method
interface Walkable {
    void walk();

// Interface with a method
interface Swimmable {
    void swim();

// Parent class (superclass)
class Animal {
    void eat() {
        System.out.println("Animal is eating.");

    void sleep() {
        System.out.println("Animal is sleeping.");

// Child class (subclass) inheriting from Animal and implementing Walkable and Swimmable interfaces
class Dolphin extends Animal implements Walkable, Swimmable {
    // Implementing the walk() method from the Walkable interface
    public void walk() {
        System.out.println("Dolphin is walking on its flippers.");

    // Implementing the swim() method from the Swimmable interface
    public void swim() {
        System.out.println("Dolphin is swimming gracefully.");

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating an instance of the Dolphin class
        Dolphin myDolphin = new Dolphin();

        // Accessing methods from Animal, Dolphin, Walkable, and Swimmable;    // Inherited from Animal
        myDolphin.sleep();  // Inherited from Animal
        myDolphin.walk();   // Implemented from Walkable interface in Dolphin
        myDolphin.swim();   // Implemented from Swimmable interface in Dolphin

In this example:

  • Animal is the parent class (superclass) with methods eat() and sleep().
  • Walkable and Swimmable are interfaces with a single method each: walk() and swim().
  • Dolphin is a child class (subclass) that extends Animal and implements both Walkable and Swimmable interfaces.
  • The main method demonstrates creating an instance of the Dolphin class and calling methods from the Animal, Dolphin, Walkable, and Swimmable interfaces.

This illustrates multiple inheritance through interfaces in Java. The Dolphin class inherits from both the Animal class and the Walkable and Swimmable interface

Why is multiple inheritance not supported in java

Java does not support multiple inheritance for classes, meaning a class cannot directly extend more than one class. The decision to avoid multiple inheritance in Java was made to simplify the language and mitigate potential issues associated with it. Here are some reasons why multiple inheritance is not supported in Java:

1. Diamond Problem: Multiple inheritance introduces the diamond problem, which occurs when a class inherits from two classes that have a common ancestor. If both parent classes provide an implementation for the same method, it becomes ambiguous for the compiler to determine which method should be invoked in the child class. This ambiguity can lead to unpredictable behavior and makes the code harder to understand and maintain.

2. Complexity and Ambiguity: Multiple inheritance can make the class hierarchy more complex and increase the likelihood of conflicts and ambiguities. In the presence of multiple base classes, it becomes challenging to manage and understand the relationships between classes, especially when changes are made.

3. Readability and Maintenance: Supporting multiple inheritance may lead to less readable and more error-prone code. It could result in situations where developers unintentionally inherit behavior from multiple sources, leading to unexpected interactions and difficulties in maintenance.

4. Method Resolution: Resolving method calls becomes more complex in the presence of multiple inheritance. Determining the correct method to call requires a more sophisticated mechanism, and the increased complexity may impact performance.

5. Design Simplicity: Java emphasizes simplicity and readability in its design philosophy. By avoiding multiple inheritance, Java aims to provide a clear and straightforward class hierarchy, making it easier for developers to understand and work with the language.

6. Interface-Based Alternative: While multiple inheritance for classes is not supported, Java provides support for multiple inheritance through interfaces. Interfaces allow a class to implement multiple interfaces, each defining a set of methods. This provides flexibility without introducing some of the complexities associated with multiple inheritance for classes.

interface A {
    void methodA();

interface B {
    void methodB();

class MyClass implements A, B {
    public void methodA() {
        // Implementation for methodA

    public void methodB() {
        // Implementation for methodB

In Java, developers are encouraged to use composition, interfaces, and other design patterns to achieve flexibility and code reuse, while avoiding the challenges associated with multiple inheritance for classes. The absence of multiple inheritance for classes is considered a design choice that aligns with the language’s goals of simplicity, readability, and maintainability.

Here’s a complete example illustrating the use of interfaces in Java to achieve multiple inheritance-like behavior:

// Interface with a method
interface A {
    void methodA();

// Interface with a method
interface B {
    void methodB();

// Class implementing both interfaces
class MyClass implements A, B {
    public void methodA() {
        System.out.println("Executing methodA.");

    public void methodB() {
        System.out.println("Executing methodB.");

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating an instance of MyClass
        MyClass myObject = new MyClass();

        // Calling methods from both interfaces

In this example:

  • A and B are two interfaces, each declaring a single method (methodA() and methodB()).
  • MyClass implements both interfaces A and B and provides concrete implementations for both methods.
  • The main method demonstrates creating an instance of MyClass and calling methods from both interfaces.

This code showcases how a class in Java can implement multiple interfaces to achieve a form of multiple inheritance. The class MyClass inherits the method contracts specified by both interfaces A and B. This approach provides flexibility without introducing the complexities associated with multiple inheritance for classes.

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