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Distribution of World Population by Continent
- Largest Continent on earth.
- Population 4,426,683,000.
- About 60.11 % of the world population.
- Highest density populous continent in the world 203 people /sq mile.
- Covering 8.8 % of earth surface.
- Populous country is Republic of China 1.35 billion.
- It covers 44,579,000 km2 which covers 30 % of earth‘s land area.
- Largest country by area is Russian Federation 17.1 million.
- Smallest country by area is Maldives 298 km2.
- Countries: around 49.
- Second largest continent in the world.
- Population 1.216 Billion.
- About 14.69 % of the world population.
- Density 65 people /sq mile.
- Second most populous continent in the world.
- Largest populous country is Nigeria 170 million.
- Smallest populous country is Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha.
- Largest country by area is Republic of Congo 2,345,410 km2.
- Smallest country by area is Republic of Territory 420 km2.
- Countries: 54.
- Population 741.2 million.
- Covers area about 10,180,000 km2 2% of the earth surface.
- About 11% of the world population.
- Density = 134 people /sq mile.
- Consist of about 56 countries or states.
- Republic of Germany, UK and Italy are the populous countries.
- Less populous country is Vatican City 910 people.
- Third largest continent in the world.
- Countries: more than 50.
- Population is about 527 million.
- 4th most populous continent in the world.
- About 4.88 % of the world population.
- Density: 32 people /sq mile.
- Consist of about 23 states.
- USA, Mexico, Canada, West Indies and Central America are most populous countries. Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis is less populous countries.
- Population is 389,860,000.
- About 8.54 % of the world population.
- Density: 73 people /sq mile.
- Brazil (195 million) is most populous country.
- South Georgia and South Sandwich are less populous countries.
- Brazil (3,287,612 sq mi) is largest country by area.
- South sandwich (1,194 sq mi) is smallest country by area.
- Population is 23 to 24 million.
- Area: 7,692,024 km2
- About 0.53 % of the world population.
- Density: 7.3 people /sq mile.
- Smallest continent of the world.
- Most populous portions are common wealth of Australia, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.
- Population is about 1,000 to 5000.
- Area: 14,000,000 km2
- About 0.01 % of the world total population.
- Density: 0.00018 people /sq mile.
- 50 countries have signed that Antarctica should be used for research purpose.
- Following countries have most researchers.
- USA Italy Argentina Russia Chile France Japan
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