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- This is the 2nd test of GTO Indoor Tasks
- It is also same as the previous Group Discussion Test
- In this test GTO will brief you about the rules and method
- Every candidates will be given a topic and will be told to go out and make a lecture
- After 2 min candidate will say to come in and give a lecture on the topic for 3 min
- As the time ends GTO will say to sit down and will give a different topic to the next candidate
- This test will also be in Urdu Language
- This test will start until all the candidates gave their lectures
- As all the candidates over lectures number by number the test is ended and you will be proceeded to the next test
- Remember that references from Quran/ Hades carry 20 marks out of 100 marks
- It is strongly said that you should also give proper examples and poetry of Iqbal
Example of Lecturat Test:
What is that mean that you have 20 marks for quran hades ?
Do you mean that it will only give 20 marks or 20 confirm out of 100
Means 20 marks for References that you have edge of discussing Hadess or Ayar of Quran in your Topic
I am so, impressed